Abby Hauer

About Abby Hauer, Scottsdale ERP Therapist

Are you struggling with racing thoughts and staying in the present moment? Do you feel guilty when you put yourself first or try to set a boundary? Do you find yourself having intrusive thoughts that create distress and confusion? I am a determined and curious clinician who offers compassion and empathy in each session. I can help you learn to stay in the present moment, create understanding with your emotions and thoughts, and recognize that putting yourself first is not selfish. I have found success in helping clients learn how to tolerate discomfort and hold it with acceptance and compassion for a better quality of life.

I have found myself excelling working with OCD, Anxiety related disorders, Trauma, and ADHD. Specifically I am trained in Exposure based therapy, Mindfulness practices, acceptance, and trauma informed care. It's automatic to be our worst critic, learning how to hold yourself in a different way is like learning a new language. And it is possible!! I preach practice, repetition, and consistency. I would be honored to help you heal and hold space for you in your pain and suffering. I can teach you how to love yourself in these moments and offer space for feelings to just be.

The Way I Approach Therapy

Allowing pain to just be as is can feel so counterintuitive to survival. Yet, it’s how we need to evolve. Learning when we need to respond to pain and when we don't is much easier said than done. This process of discernment takes time to discover. When you do, however, it leaves you feeling more confident in your abilities than ever before. 

At times I will act as a coach to help you navigate this process; other times I’ll be a guide to help you better understand yourself and hold space for your emotions. The goal is that you eventually will no longer need me because you are your own therapist. 

If you have questions I offer a free 15-minute consultation to assess if I would be the best fit for what you need. If I am not what you need, I will help you find someone who is right for you. I know I can’t be everything for everyone and that is okay.

Need support?
Let’s talk.